I'm 72, wishing I had friends to go out with!!!!!! I miss the occasional party, concert, heck, I'd settle for dinner and a movie, with someone in my age group! I seem to attract men that are far too young--I'm not interested in hanging out with my son, regularly, smile! I don' understand what has happened--my friends seem to be glued to their homes-afraid to venture out after dark!
I'm 72, wishing I had friends to go out with!!!!!! I miss the occasional party, concert, heck, I'd settle for dinner and a movie, with someone in my age group! I seem to attract men that are far too young--I'm not interested in hanging out with my son, regularly, smile! I don' understand what has happened--my friends seem to be glued to their homes-afraid to venture out after dark!
Good on you! Thanks for writing! Have you thought about hosting a dinner or mobilizing your friend group? Even if you have one taker on an outing, you’ll have a great time.
The easier and lighter the better! Start slow. See what happens! I used to do a Sunday Open House where a few pals would come over and we'd invite others to see who turned up. It was a lot of fun and it was over by dinnertime!
Money and crime concerns would be my reasons. I'd rather spend it on travel than giving Madonna more money. Maybe your friends have other interests they prefer to spend money on or are concerned about crime, money, driving, etc. If I had unlimited funds and a chauffeur, I'd be out a lot more! Or maybe not, as I prefer travel.
I'm 72, wishing I had friends to go out with!!!!!! I miss the occasional party, concert, heck, I'd settle for dinner and a movie, with someone in my age group! I seem to attract men that are far too young--I'm not interested in hanging out with my son, regularly, smile! I don' understand what has happened--my friends seem to be glued to their homes-afraid to venture out after dark!
Good on you! Thanks for writing! Have you thought about hosting a dinner or mobilizing your friend group? Even if you have one taker on an outing, you’ll have a great time.
Great idea! I’ll try hosting it early, say 4 pm, something light and see what happens!
The easier and lighter the better! Start slow. See what happens! I used to do a Sunday Open House where a few pals would come over and we'd invite others to see who turned up. It was a lot of fun and it was over by dinnertime!
Money and crime concerns would be my reasons. I'd rather spend it on travel than giving Madonna more money. Maybe your friends have other interests they prefer to spend money on or are concerned about crime, money, driving, etc. If I had unlimited funds and a chauffeur, I'd be out a lot more! Or maybe not, as I prefer travel.
You do you! I do believe I addressed the money bit in there. It doesn’t have to cost a lot.