Good on you! Thanks for writing! Have you thought about hosting a dinner or mobilizing your friend group? Even if you have one taker on an outing, you’ll have a great time.
Good on you! Thanks for writing! Have you thought about hosting a dinner or mobilizing your friend group? Even if you have one taker on an outing, you’ll have a great time.
The easier and lighter the better! Start slow. See what happens! I used to do a Sunday Open House where a few pals would come over and we'd invite others to see who turned up. It was a lot of fun and it was over by dinnertime!
Good on you! Thanks for writing! Have you thought about hosting a dinner or mobilizing your friend group? Even if you have one taker on an outing, you’ll have a great time.
Great idea! I’ll try hosting it early, say 4 pm, something light and see what happens!
The easier and lighter the better! Start slow. See what happens! I used to do a Sunday Open House where a few pals would come over and we'd invite others to see who turned up. It was a lot of fun and it was over by dinnertime!