Do not even get me STARTED. First- I have forever loved your signature bangs, and I will, I am certain, love your long, swept-back bangs. You have fabulous hair, now and historically. The truth is, hair changes as we change; when I hit menopause prematurely (at 40, thanks Mom), my hair, which has been an odd combination of frizzy on the …
Do not even get me STARTED. First- I have forever loved your signature bangs, and I will, I am certain, love your long, swept-back bangs. You have fabulous hair, now and historically. The truth is, hair changes as we change; when I hit menopause prematurely (at 40, thanks Mom), my hair, which has been an odd combination of frizzy on the right and wavy/straight on the left (thanks Dad) suddenly refused to grow in any other way than out, as opposed to down. I love the idea of slightly longer hair, but it stopped working for me in my thirties, when I finally cut it short, sometimes *very* short. The problem is, not a lot of stylists know how to cut short/fine/wavy/curly hair, and when I moved to Connecticut from NYC, every stylist I went to tried to turn me into Dina Merrill (blonde, very sprayed helmet hair, an environmental bio-hazard). It took me 20 years of living here to finally accept the fact that I'm a short hair person, and a wonderful stylist (thanks to you) to give me a great haircut. So, I've said goodbye to long(er) hair forever. I've also finally accepted the fact that I will never stop wearing horizontal stripes, even though I'm 5'1" and zaftig, and have been warned against this (Mom).
I'd love that. Thank you. And thank you for the kind words. I actually ran in/ran out to see Norman the other day, and was home in time to teach my late afternoon workshop. But I will be back in a month! Short hair!
Do not even get me STARTED. First- I have forever loved your signature bangs, and I will, I am certain, love your long, swept-back bangs. You have fabulous hair, now and historically. The truth is, hair changes as we change; when I hit menopause prematurely (at 40, thanks Mom), my hair, which has been an odd combination of frizzy on the right and wavy/straight on the left (thanks Dad) suddenly refused to grow in any other way than out, as opposed to down. I love the idea of slightly longer hair, but it stopped working for me in my thirties, when I finally cut it short, sometimes *very* short. The problem is, not a lot of stylists know how to cut short/fine/wavy/curly hair, and when I moved to Connecticut from NYC, every stylist I went to tried to turn me into Dina Merrill (blonde, very sprayed helmet hair, an environmental bio-hazard). It took me 20 years of living here to finally accept the fact that I'm a short hair person, and a wonderful stylist (thanks to you) to give me a great haircut. So, I've said goodbye to long(er) hair forever. I've also finally accepted the fact that I will never stop wearing horizontal stripes, even though I'm 5'1" and zaftig, and have been warned against this (Mom).
Love this. You look great in those stripes, and short hair. <3 (And let's meet up again when you next go to see Norman!)
I'd love that. Thank you. And thank you for the kind words. I actually ran in/ran out to see Norman the other day, and was home in time to teach my late afternoon workshop. But I will be back in a month! Short hair!
I am very much for you keeping your hair short if it means you'll make frequent trips to Kingston!
Looking forward to seeing you soon! Lunch!