Thanks Sari. Love Oldster so much. Can’t wait to chat. ❤️

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My pleasure! And likewise! Thank you for the kinds words, Wendy. <3

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Wow! I am thrilled that you featured my essay on publishing a debut novel at 65! I love Oldster and feel honored.

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My pleasure! Loved the piece!

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Ilana DeBare’s novel Shaken Loose is really really good, and she has a Substack ilanadebare.substack.com

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Oh, nice!

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Thanks for the music and book suggestions!

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My pleasure!

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Great compilation, as always. I had seen the Kyra Sedgwick piece and was taken aback by her comment about her mother: "Despite never wearing any makeup, she radiates beauty." I would tweak this to say, "BECAUSE she never wears any makeup, she radiates beauty."

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Yay! I’ve been reading Oldster since, well, when did you start it? A long time—it’s one of my fave inbox items.

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Started August 31, 2021. Coming up on the two-year anniversary...

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OMG, I love you. I think I'm older than lots of Oldsters (almost 64) but everything resonates with me. And that Gen-X playlist—my daughter always says I seem more like an old Gen-Xer than a young Boomer and those songs sealed it for me. Thanks for gathering all this wonderful writing and people and humor and joy!

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Thanks, Lynn! Glad you're enjoying Oldster. I have a mix of people from all age groups on here, so I think you'll see people your age, younger, and older. I'm also going to do something soon about "Generation Jones," the group of youngest Boomers who are more like Gen X-ers. Stay tuned...

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thanks for this playlist - *I was (today) years old when I realised I'm a Gen-Xer* it's fabulous!

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This is wonderful -- thank you. Also, I adore Wendy Mac's work. I mean: crazy about it. And for whatever reason, I hadn't heard about this book. And I also love BJ Miller and the Zen Hospice Project, and I'll tell you more over a large pot of tea sometime.

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Always a great compilation! Thank you! Enjoy the weekend.

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