Thank you for interviewing John! He seems like a good spirited fella and kind hearted guy :) I am only 31 this year but I feel inspired and cheered about my own future aging by this interview :)

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I identify with almost everything here, though I haven't gone the Vegan route. At 81, I am having more medical visits than I ever did, and certainly more than I wish I had, but I've got one tip for anyone who is doc-shopping. FIND A WOMAN DOCTOR! When I signed on with my first, I soon recognized her difference from prior GPs of my gender: they were always in a rush to "fix it," whatever it was. She , on the other hand, wanted the whole picture: how was I living, what was keeping me content or otherwise, how my family was doing, etc. I remember asking early on why she was asking questions related to all this and more, and she simply replied, "This is all part of health care." When she retired about a decade ago, I mused, "Well, I might as well die now, because I will never find so brilliant a diagnostician and so fine a human being as she." My "new" woman doctors, however, shares all her predecessor's qualities. So does my female cardiologist, and all the other female specialists I have sought out and visited.

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As I read, I thought about where we might intersect in the Venn diagram of how life is lived. We’re of similar age, both keep active and try to learn new things. I won’t go on a cruise or join a country club. I have played pickle ball, however only in school gyms in remote and roadless Alaskan villages during our long, cold and dark winters. I can’t be a vegan as our wild salmon is the best food on the planet.

I’ve been lucky to have prolonged surfing the sweet-spot of the wave of life for most all of my existence. Yeah, I’ve wiped-out more than a few times, but haven’t lost the desire to get up and find that rush once again.

Carry on, brother.

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Loved reading this and so identified with John

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What a special guy to sit with at the edge of water and the joy of being. Thanks.

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Goodonya John. If you had a tv, you’d know it’s easy enough to get rid of all that crap in your garage. Just point at it and it’s gone.

And when you do, ditch that clock with the “pendulum theory of history”.

It’s all the crap from the past in your head that you’ve successfully left behind—not the enthusiasm and passion for life. That’s a keeper.

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Appreciate this series so much. Love meeting John, and everyone you interview.

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Thank you for this Sari. I love John, and this interview was for some reason, very calming and reassuring.

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Thank you, Susie! 🥰

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Wonderful to learn more about you, and even more than Island living I can relate to - mostly the way you’re purposefully living your life. My husband is 73 and I’m 62, and while I can’t retire (my sister and I support my dad), my husband is finally straddling the line - but still very involved in community organizations (something similar to your boards) and even that seems to be a question of when is enough giving back…he still enjoys it, but it does suck up a lot of time and energy - you know how these community things hi. So I’m interested to hear you backed yourself out of those, too! And no TV - hurrah !

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Thank you so much, Susie. My wife is also 62, and is ramping up her coaching to support her triathlon habit! Bless you and your sister for supporting your dad.

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this interview comes the closest to giving me that 'separated at birth' feeling - it was "yes, uh huh, exactly, of course..." at every answer John gave. I love his spirit of mellow acceptance.

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"...a turning point, a time for reflection, to look backward as well as forward, inward as well as outward. That sums it well for me as I continue "From Both Sides Now". I am fortunate and blessed to be active and alert, at least most of the time. I may be 14 years ahead of John in years but those are only numbers, a quantitative measure. As we know, it is much more about the qualities of our lives, regardless of age.

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Loved reading this wonderful reflection of my "neighbor" John Lovie. I follow his excellent newsletter and therefore his brilliance. I'm inspired by reading more details about your life, John! Happy upcoming birthday. Great time to be born.

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Thank you, Kirie!

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I loved reading this. Especially loved the line: "my age now is the best so far."

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I'm 17 too. I'm trying to move that up : )

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I'm 10 years behind you and so inspired by your thoughts. Semi-retired, keeping active, traveling and reading have added dimensions to my life at this age that I did not expect given the examples of the elders in my life. Thank you for sharing!

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Just dropping in to say thank you for all the lovely comments. It feels like my birthday two weeks early!

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I love this guy!

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