I was a huge huge partier when in my teens and twenties so I've got a real Pavlovian response when it comes to clubs and live music venues, they are associated so much with being wasted that I don't enjoy them sober. It's a me problem, I realize. You didn't mention the need for drugs or booze to stay up. Since I don't use anymore I prefe…
I was a huge huge partier when in my teens and twenties so I've got a real Pavlovian response when it comes to clubs and live music venues, they are associated so much with being wasted that I don't enjoy them sober. It's a me problem, I realize. You didn't mention the need for drugs or booze to stay up. Since I don't use anymore I prefer activities that don't trigger the "this would be even more fun with a bag of coke" reaction that dance clubs give me. Great article, I agree it's vital to keep on going out and living life. Personally I just have to wrap it up earlier than I did 40 years ago.
I totally hear you on this. It's possible I sold you something or painted you with UV body paint at one of those raves back in the day! When I do go to a city and have a real night out, usually if a friend's band is opening for a band we all worshiped when we were young, I drink. Don't do that very often at home. I love the one evening of mayhem and music, just 1-4 times a year, but wouldn't want to attempt it more often.
I was a huge huge partier when in my teens and twenties so I've got a real Pavlovian response when it comes to clubs and live music venues, they are associated so much with being wasted that I don't enjoy them sober. It's a me problem, I realize. You didn't mention the need for drugs or booze to stay up. Since I don't use anymore I prefer activities that don't trigger the "this would be even more fun with a bag of coke" reaction that dance clubs give me. Great article, I agree it's vital to keep on going out and living life. Personally I just have to wrap it up earlier than I did 40 years ago.
I get you! And thank you! I sneak out of concerts by the encore, usually. Even seeing some of the set is worth it to me.
I totally hear you on this. It's possible I sold you something or painted you with UV body paint at one of those raves back in the day! When I do go to a city and have a real night out, usually if a friend's band is opening for a band we all worshiped when we were young, I drink. Don't do that very often at home. I love the one evening of mayhem and music, just 1-4 times a year, but wouldn't want to attempt it more often.