Sari, why are you doing this to me? All these great links, and HOW AM I GOING TO FIND THE TIME TO READ THEM? I guess I'll have to try, lol. Seriously, thanks for all this!
So sad to hear of the death of Gabe Hudson. I got to know him lately through this platform, and wish I'd found him sooner. Supportive, inspiring, funny; ride on, Gabe. I've loved your work.
IT'S TOO MUCH AWESOME, JEEZ! Every time one of these link roundups comes into my inbox I know I'm gonna lose like 2 hours of that day \_(ツ)_/
I’m on link overwhelm drive.
Sari, why are you doing this to me? All these great links, and HOW AM I GOING TO FIND THE TIME TO READ THEM? I guess I'll have to try, lol. Seriously, thanks for all this!
Wow This is Awesome!
I aspire to be a septuagenarian gentleman caller. -L-
omg a lot of gems here, sari, so i'm going to echo the chorus of "how dare you?" whilst bookmarking this!
So sad to hear of the death of Gabe Hudson. I got to know him lately through this platform, and wish I'd found him sooner. Supportive, inspiring, funny; ride on, Gabe. I've loved your work.
Will have to close my eyes and point at one. They’re all fab links.
Yes yes yes!!
We should all make more friends of different generations.” - in the Atlantic, Annie Midori Atherton advocates for intergenerational friendships.
So true. It’s hard to do that in this culture, as we’re not well set up for it and it’s not a common practice. But worth trying!
shit I just titled a link lineup on my substack Link O'Mania. then I thought - huh - I think I've seen that somewhere! PLease forgive the plagiarize!!