I love hearing that there are others out there who still identify as girls--even at a certain age. I feel like a girl more than a woman and in the right light (or lack therof) I can almost pass for one. And dancing at concerts is still my thing. I've done two so far this week and have one to go to tonight.
I love hearing that there are others out there who still identify as girls--even at a certain age. I feel like a girl more than a woman and in the right light (or lack therof) I can almost pass for one. And dancing at concerts is still my thing. I've done two so far this week and have one to go to tonight.
I love hearing that there are others out there who still identify as girls--even at a certain age. I feel like a girl more than a woman and in the right light (or lack therof) I can almost pass for one. And dancing at concerts is still my thing. I've done two so far this week and have one to go to tonight.