I hear you. I've been putting off cataract surgery for 5 years now. My eye doctor: Did you know you have a cataract? Me: Yes, I've been watching it for awhile. Doctor: I think it's time to stop watching and start acting. LOL. I'd been using the excuse that "I need my eyes so I can work" and "what if something goes wrong?" However, I'm retired now and have ZERO excuses. Thanks for the nudge.
I hear you. I've been putting off cataract surgery for 5 years now. My eye doctor: Did you know you have a cataract? Me: Yes, I've been watching it for awhile. Doctor: I think it's time to stop watching and start acting. LOL. I'd been using the excuse that "I need my eyes so I can work" and "what if something goes wrong?" However, I'm retired now and have ZERO excuses. Thanks for the nudge.
I hear you. I've been putting off cataract surgery for 5 years now. My eye doctor: Did you know you have a cataract? Me: Yes, I've been watching it for awhile. Doctor: I think it's time to stop watching and start acting. LOL. I'd been using the excuse that "I need my eyes so I can work" and "what if something goes wrong?" However, I'm retired now and have ZERO excuses. Thanks for the nudge.
PS. Actually, I should say, I have zero VALID excuses. I have hundreds of invalid ones. Hahaha.