Love this! I did nude modeling for Amherst College art students while I was recovering from a bad car accident, and it was very cathartic.

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Asha Sanaker

I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with me! I would never, EVER, not even for a million dollars, pose nude in front of strangers (or friends, or family). I admire you for feeling so free in your own body.

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I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you. We’re all simply different. Isn’t it grand?

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Asha Sanaker

Oh Asha - I loved this! I write a newsletter called 50 Things about trying and learning things throughout life (especially after 50) and I'd love to share this there!

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But definitely do it the way Substack allows, which is to insert the link. Then you get a thumbnail box that offers the title, the first few lines, and an option to "Read More". I want Oldster to get as much traffic as possible out of this because it is so wonderful.

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Thank you, Asha! 🙏

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Feel free! I'm sharing it to my newsletter folks today as well. Though, admittedly, that's as much because the recent heat has melted my brain and I don't have any additional words for them today, as that I'm really proud of this one. It was fun to write and I'm incredibly grateful to Sari for prompting me to pull it together.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Asha Sanaker

I loved this also! When I was in my early 20s I did this once. I was so nervous, I don't remember seeing any of the results from the students, or even if I was paid. Sure is fuzzy in my mind. But I loved every word of your clarity!

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Loved this! One of my first jobs was modeling for a 3 hour sculpture class at the local university. Pain set in at 20 minutes, but I was only 18, there's no way I could do such a long stretch now! Especially loved the bit about seeing other's perspectives. It's a little mind blowing.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Asha Sanaker

I was a part time model for a local art school a long time ago. I was known as a 'handicapped' model, because I was unable to do standing poses for paintings or long sketches. My blood pressure would drop, and I would pass out. So all my long poses had to be seated or reclining.

But man, anyone who thinks being an artist's model is easy has never done it. I think I might rather dig ditches (as long as it wasn't hot). It's really hard on the body. Short sketches I could do. Anything longer, no matter how comfortable it feels when you start, there will be some nerve that starts getting irritated, and every time you when back to the same pose after a break, it happened faster than before. In a completely relaxing-looking reclining pose, I had a nerve in one hip that was nearly on fire when I finished. It was kind of hellish. And I wasn't an old creaky body then - I was in my mid-20's! Yeesh.

Also, there is something very very different when you're naked in front of people who are basically using you as still life practice. There is no leering in anyone's eyes. They're all simply working, and concentrating on lines and shadow. It did not feel 'dirty' in the least. But BOY WAS IT HARD WORK! I believe I was earning $7.00/hr for it. It was above the minimum wage at the time, but I quickly learned it wasn't particularly good money. And it would have been impossible to do for an 8 hour shift. (they were usually 2-3 hours)

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Asha Sanaker

Now have time to add that I love that you do this. And that you wrote about it in such an entertaining and friendly way. The painting is absolutely gorgeous. I have never read an essay like this and am so pleased to have done so. Although you barely qualify as old... aren't we oldsters entertaining!

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Oh, Bonnie! How sweet of you to come back to write all of that. Sari publishes so many great essays, as do I over at my newsletter. I hope you’ll dive right in now.

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Asha Sanaker

Lovely piece, Asha! You write about this topic beautifully and with vulnerability. It resonated for me as I've been taking figure drawing classes for decades, most recently at the Art Students League of New York. I modeled once or twice many years ago but with clothes on, as a sub when the nude model was a no-show. Yet a few years back I started to think about trying nude art modeling, not because I wanted to, but as a hook for writing a story. What resulted was this essay, which I think you'll appreciate: https://www.salon.com/2018/06/29/the-naked-truth-about-nude-art-modeling/

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What a wonderful essay! Thanks so much for sharing it.

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Asha Sanaker

Great story

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Asha Sanaker

What a wonderful way to support you personal creativity as a writer, the creativity of the visual artists in the room, and of course also your children. Sixty bucks buys some groceries! Thanks for sharing this🙏🏼

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Asha Sanaker

This is great. I love your humor. Good for you!

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Asha Sanaker

Lovely portrait and article. Appreciate the bravery.

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Thank you so much!

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Asha Sanaker

Oh I loved this. I have toyed with the idea myself. I think it would be freeing! You wrote it so well. Thank you.

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Do it! It's been a great reminder of my own freedom and agency. As in, this is my body and I get to do what I like with it. These days in the U.S., when our bodily autonomy is so under attack, that's a powerful remembering.

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Asha Sanaker

I too am a single mom living with two kids and two cats and proliferating plants in upstate New York! Maybe we should find each other. This writing was poignant and endearing.

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Please, let's!

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Asha Sanaker


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Thank you!

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Asha Sanaker

This was such a lovely essay to read. I like that you had the opportunity to see yourself through the eyes of artists and that you were able to recognize that we don't all find the same things beautiful or ugly about ourselves.

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Thank you, Rebecca! Both the doing of it and then the reflecting and writing about it were gifts for me, for sure.

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