Some Oldster-adjacent content to get you through the weekend. PLUS: "The Oldster Top 10," Cliff Chenfeld's monthly playlist of new songs for old ears. AND: A new Oldster t-shirt design...
Thank God you posted Cliffs show! I struggled last week racking my perimenopausal brain for the name... couldn't....hunted you about page...still couldn't find it...questioned whether I'd even seen it in the first place 🤣
thanks for all the great links and congratulations re your book!
Thanks so much, Danyel! <3
We wrote about Early Birds a few weeks ago and are attending the Brooklyn one in March. Cannot wait!
Thank God you posted Cliffs show! I struggled last week racking my perimenopausal brain for the name... couldn't....hunted you about page...still couldn't find it...questioned whether I'd even seen it in the first place 🤣
Oh, good! Enjoy.
@Sari thanks for these links, as always, especially the Kiplinger article about social security (bites fingernails, looks at bank account...)
Bought your book Sari, for my 28-year old daughter who is just leaving NYC after 3 years... and moving to London. Perfect gift.
Thanks so much, Avivah!!! I hope she enjoys it. <3
Great weekend read. Thanks.
New songs for old ears. Love it!!!!!!
The First-Ever Free Menopause Hot Line Is Here!
I thought this headline read “Free Menopause!”
As in “Liberate Menopause!”
I can’t even…