“Six-Word Memoir Project” creator Larry Smith on his ongoing project, and an invitation for readers to add their own six-word memoirs about getting older in the comments. An open thread…
When I first shared the idea for Six-Word Memoirs at Thanksgiving dinner in 2006 with my family my then-eight-year-old nephew said: "I have one for Pop-Pop: 'Memory loss. What was I saying?' "
Incredible! Leah, if you also share that on sixwordmemoirs.com I promise you you'll be Memoirist of the Day one day next week (so, you know, 6 seconds of fame!).
Congrats! And while having six words published in one of the Six-Word Memoir books is not the same as writing and publishing, well, more than six words .... one of the most rewarding parts of my work is that thousands of people whose words have never been found in a book can now call themselves "proud and published authors."
How many words was it again?
When I first shared the idea for Six-Word Memoirs at Thanksgiving dinner in 2006 with my family my then-eight-year-old nephew said: "I have one for Pop-Pop: 'Memory loss. What was I saying?' "
Love it!
The betrayal! 😂😂
Well-played, Jeffrey, very well indeed.
My wrinkles are a treasure map.
Incredible! Leah, if you also share that on sixwordmemoirs.com I promise you you'll be Memoirist of the Day one day next week (so, you know, 6 seconds of fame!).
Wow, thanks Larry - I really appreciate the shout out! I just posted it and I'm ready for my moment. ;-) https://www.sixwordmemoirs.com/story/?did=1319164
Did you see your words as "Memoir of the Day"? on the site? If not I took a screen grab from 10/19 and will send to you!
Oh wonderful, thank you Larry! I did see it still up on the site today and shared it out. Appreciate this sweet opportunity. :-)
Love that.
An excellent one!
Moving gets harder, loving gets easier.
58: scared and scarred; still alive.
So mine should be "Nearly 58, learning there is hope"?
85, still waiting to grow up
Ageing means I haven't died yet.
Still not sure why I'm here.
I would do it all again.
He’s dead, I’m not, carry on.
Old guy napping: Poet at work.
When in doubt, I chose love.
Love this!
Wrote a great book. Dream accomplished.
Congrats! And while having six words published in one of the Six-Word Memoir books is not the same as writing and publishing, well, more than six words .... one of the most rewarding parts of my work is that thousands of people whose words have never been found in a book can now call themselves "proud and published authors."
78, hotel sex, hmmm maybe not
Lost an eye but I'm okay.
I love and am loved, blessed.
76 years old. That's not old!