Thank you Rona. Going through these kinds of losses in the isolation of the pandemic, without the benefit of a human hug made it that more poignant, but I did rebuild and I am flourishing at 67. It did give me the confidence of what I was capable of, of what we are all capable of. It gave me back my voice.
Thank you Rona. Going through these kinds of losses in the isolation of the pandemic, without the benefit of a human hug made it that more poignant, but I did rebuild and I am flourishing at 67. It did give me the confidence of what I was capable of, of what we are all capable of. It gave me back my voice.
Thank you Rona. Going through these kinds of losses in the isolation of the pandemic, without the benefit of a human hug made it that more poignant, but I did rebuild and I am flourishing at 67. It did give me the confidence of what I was capable of, of what we are all capable of. It gave me back my voice.