What was the first age that humbled me? (What a great question.) The answer is, 56. Up until that point, I had unknowingly relied on youth and appearance to grant me entree in work situations -- I just thought I was smart and worked hard, so I had naturally succeeded. But at 56, I started a new job in a new faraway city, and I was shocke…
What was the first age that humbled me? (What a great question.) The answer is, 56. Up until that point, I had unknowingly relied on youth and appearance to grant me entree in work situations -- I just thought I was smart and worked hard, so I had naturally succeeded. But at 56, I started a new job in a new faraway city, and I was shocked to see the looks on the (entirely) younger set of new colleagues' faces. I could see they thought I was old. They were dismissive. It shocked me. And yes, I won them over, but it wasn't automatic and I wasn't adored and they periodically reminded me in subtle ways that I was not one of them.
What was the first age that humbled me? (What a great question.) The answer is, 56. Up until that point, I had unknowingly relied on youth and appearance to grant me entree in work situations -- I just thought I was smart and worked hard, so I had naturally succeeded. But at 56, I started a new job in a new faraway city, and I was shocked to see the looks on the (entirely) younger set of new colleagues' faces. I could see they thought I was old. They were dismissive. It shocked me. And yes, I won them over, but it wasn't automatic and I wasn't adored and they periodically reminded me in subtle ways that I was not one of them.
Wow. <3