You left me wanting more! And I’m not ashamed that I own some Talbot sweaters…

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I love this piece. Of course, I wanted it to be longer and more about you......And I myself get stuck on the audience issue.

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Just lovely. As I'm about to celebrate my 73rd birthday this week as I write my memoir, this essay means a lot.

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Loved this essay! Hit the spot for me.

You write because you want to remember. Because you've always wanted to. Because you might reach one or two people. All of it.

I write because I feel compelled. That keyboard is as natural as breathing at this point.

Love your words.

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Thank you thank you thank you

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I love this. Wise! True! My mother used to say that the past doesn't exist unless you write about it. She didn't write her stories, but as I was growing up she told them to me. Wonderful stories I retold in my memoir.

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I love this, Esther!

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Thanks xx

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We record our stories — with our voices, in print, in pixels — because, like string too short to be saved, our stories have their preciousness revealed by being carefully kept by ourselves and joyfully discovered by others. How rich and blessed I feel when I sharing stories with others, expressing my own, receiving theirs, weaving together our ecosystem of experiences and perspectives. (This newsletter being one of the loci where we share stories!)

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Wow it’s amazing the timing of reading this article. I needed this so thank you! I want to write my story for myself and for my only son to have and to know me, even if he reads it after I’m long gone. It’s burning inside me to write and yet I find every excuse to avoid sitting down and writing. 🙄

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I’m sure you will when you’re ready!

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"As though there were only one beginning." I love this. I try so many openings when I write. I save the ones I don't use because some day they may take me in a new direction.

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They will! Xxx

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lovely, esther; and this morning (weirdly, it’s morning. i’m in Italy) as i am dithering around, trying to make sense of what my country has done to women, your piece reverberates like a drum beat. tell our own stories. now. before they devalue those, too. thank you for this reminder.

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Perhaps I need to read this every morning. First thing. Before all the reasons I don't write my stories take over. Your daily offerings are a gift. Thank you!

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Thank you Anita

And YES. Write. xxx

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Thank you, Esther. Other words fail me, so just Thank You.

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Thank you Mark Redfearn

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Perhaps it's the introvert in me, but I hope I die with most of my stories still inside me. In fact, I value my stories because they are secret treasure, not public testimony.

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I so enjoyed this essay. It brought so many ideas into my own mind. I learn from other writers every day. Thank you for sharing.

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