Jan 3, 2023Liked by Sari Botton, Eileen Vorbach Collins

I’ll tell you what I don’t do at age 55: I don’t cry over boyfriends, I don’t worry about missed periods, and I don’t give a single fuck what anyone thinks of me. Boom.

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Ha! Amy/Madfoot - cheered you on here. Right on, sister!

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Cheers to that, my friend.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Sari Botton, Eileen Vorbach Collins

Great article! I just turned 70 and broke my shoulder then my wrist last year within 5 months (yes I’m now taking medication for osteoporosis). But I also kayak, dance, go camping, deadlift 100 pounds, travel, and laugh with friends—a lot. I have much more energy than I did 10 years ago. It’s all good!

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Eileen Vorbach Collins

I was an un-fun 20-30 something. It wasn’t until I reached my 40s, that some of the pressure to have fun in certain ways (mostly involving alcohol and other people) felt lifted. Traveling, trying new crafts and activities, going to a book reading or just staying home and reading the book are all fun to me. I have most of my fun moments by myself, because I live alone, but enjoy getting out when I can with others. I’ve never been an extrovert who makes friends easily, so there are limitations on how much I see other people. Going to a movie, museum, or cooking class alone is fun for me. I appreciate that my definition of fun can be broader now.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Sari Botton, Eileen Vorbach Collins

What a wonderful reminder that at all ages, things break: hearts, bones, dreams, relationships, and the list goes on. Yet, each day (I am 61), we make the choice you spoke of-to live life our way. Thank you for this reminder to do so!

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Sari Botton, Eileen Vorbach Collins

I love this--it’s inspiration for this “old” 47-year-old. This year I realized that my body has really aged in the last three years and would not continue to support me unless I support it. So I’ve committed to moving again (why do we stop moving after the kids grow up and move out?!), hydrating my skin, stretching, soaking in salt baths, and just generally being more kind to it.

Thank you for reminding me that there’s so much left to enjoy--and they are probably some of the best things!

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Sari Botton, Eileen Vorbach Collins

You speak for so many of us. I love the mix of humor and emotional heft in your writing. I hope you continue to heal and reclaim more pieces of the things you love to do.

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Thanks so much, Judith.

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023Liked by Eileen Vorbach Collins

I'm over 45 and under 60. I have a titanium ankle and and a titanium knee, and here's what I do: travel to music festivals, play flute in a community orchestra, go on Turner Classic Movies cruises, buy antiques at sometimes inflated prices (if I *really* want it), say "no" to things that are not a "hell yes!", say "no" to people who are not a "hell yes!", and enjoy the wisdom that comes with age while I watch the younger set try to figure it out. I sit back and laugh, actually.

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Eileen Vorbach Collins

I consider myself a definite late-bloomer in terms of my writing—first book published at age 50!—and when I am considering a challenge that some people might think, at late sixties, I'm too old for, adopt the attitude: "What's the worst that can happen?" So far, none of those challenges have been life-threatening and they have all brought me a great deal of satisfaction!

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Sari Botton, Eileen Vorbach Collins

So much in this article resonated with me. Thank you, and heal well.

This last year I turned 70. I spent much of that year making paintings to be given to dear friends who were also turning 70. I believe I made six of these paintings. We had birthday parties for each other, laughed hard, had good discussions, were so grateful for our long-time friendships. Love is still very much a part of these “old” person’s lives.

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Eileen Vorbach Collins

This is great; I'm 40 and I feel old sometimes, so I needed this reminder that there's still a lot of life to live. I had a number of debilitating medical events happen to me between 37 and 40, which I'm sure lent to me feeling older due to limited mobility issues during those times. Thanks for reminding me I'm still relatively young, in the scheme of things, and I can feel younger again. :)

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Eileen Vorbach Collins

Excellent, myth-busting essay, Eileen! Everyone, including those of us past 45 and moping about it (referring to a friend, not me, of course), needs this reminder. I will be extra vigilant in watching where and how I step now. Thank you and Happy new year!

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Sari Botton, Eileen Vorbach Collins

Great essay, Eileen. Hope you are more mobile now.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Sari Botton, Eileen Vorbach Collins

Eileen! Brava! Age is overrated. Now I'm going to look for pretty material to cover my portable! Brilliant! Hahaha

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I'll PM you a picture of mine. It has a lamp on it. I'm feeling confident that the time has come to get rid of the thing. A local church has a loan closet. I could not get one through Medicare because there is "no participating DME vendor within 50 miles." This, in Florida, where there are lots of older folk. What would a person do if they didn't have a spare $110?

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Hah, I love! Mine is in storage (for now), no telling what will happen after my surgery. You might want to keep it if you have the space, just in case! You do live in Floridah (not a typo) after all. I miss the ocean and palm trees but not the politics. The church donation is a lovely gesture.

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Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023Liked by Sari Botton, Eileen Vorbach Collins

I still have my walker, from my knee replacement surgery five years ago. It lives in the garage on a shelf, along with my backpacks and other camping gear, all of which I still use a lot—unlike that walker! But who knows, the other knee may have to get swapped out at some point, so I keep it. Meanwhile, the shower chair I also needed post-surgery now serves as a footrest under my desk!

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Sari Botton, Eileen Vorbach Collins

thank you so much for your humour (yes, that's how we spell it in the UK) and the clear voice addressing change. our bodies and minds change while our spirit remains strong. my 77year-old self is much more conscious than my 27 year-old self, though i too pinned that very same badge on my denim jacket and wore it with pride!

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Eileen Vorbach Collins

I’m 54 and sitting on my Peloton making a slow comeback from a knee injury. In the next week or so I’ll try an easy hike again. Then a cold water ocean swim and a bigger hike. I’ll plug in my Magic Wand and go to another planet! Take that youngsters!

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Eileen Vorbach Collins

I like everything about this essay. It moves quickly and bespeaks a very mobile mind and wit at 69 even if she's got a bum ankle. It will heal and off she'll go again.

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