Oh, the mere mention of Tower Records gives me nostalgia. I remember how it was one of the few places I could drive to in DC without needing a map and directions! Ah, life before smartphones and navigation systems!

Love these conversations so much. It makes me feel like I’m in such good company (turning 58 in a little over a month but in my head I’m barely 30!).

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I refuse to deny myself desert. 💪🏻

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

So much to love about Licata’s response to this questionnaire. He doesn’t sugar coat anything. We all have had such different life experiences and we’re all aging differently -- good to be reminded of that. Thank you David; thank you Oldster.

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Another relatable one! I, too, am almost 62 and took my first surfing lesson in the Atlantic a few weeks ago (after morning Pickleball). I felt both humbled and like a Badass. He does a great job articulating how aware of our limits we are at this age, which tempers but does extinguish our gusto.

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I look forward to these interviews and use the responses as a yardstick to my own aging process. This was a great one.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

Aging sucks, and if you can make the best of it, I applaud you. What strikes me is the lack of doors open to one. There used to be so many doors. And Tower Records.

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This made me feel so much better. Thank you. 💜

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

Very interesting life..,so far. Hope your feet & hands get better so you can continue on your adventures.

I am 68 & can relate to some of your set backs which comes with aging.

A group of female neighbors (in Cleveland ) started our own Salon to meet 1X month to discuss aging, politics etc. Been great for the soul & heart to get to know neighbors again like good old days i.e. pre- pandemic .

I will try to find your movie about the tango dancers. I admire & envy anyone who can dance. I also get out to salsa with a group of neighbors who meet 1X a week. The infiltration of South Americans, Latinos, & Mexicans to our culture might save this country.

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Very cool. I’m 40 and I know what he means about that being a good age; ambitious and hardworking and published but less obnoxiously cocky as in your early thirties.

We need this now politically and culturally: “Aging has made me more open to possibilities, that’s the flip side of what was taken away. Nothing is black or white, yes or no. I find myself responding to questions with, “Well, yes and no…” A lot.”


Michael Mohr

‘Sincere American Writing’


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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

Oh yes, time and energy is no longer infinite.

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GREAT! thank you. I'm the same age (63) and I also lost connection with yoga etc in 2020 so really relate to Mr. Licata. All the sudden turning 60 I feIt age for the first time. I try daily to get back on it but do feel the age in a new way. Also his reference to Neil Young's Sugar Mountain was spot on for me too. That was a haunting and a revelation I could never articulate when I heard it -- but today well that's the part of age having all this perspective that you could have used at a younger age :-)

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Great interview. It is enlightening to hear about others who see life from the backend, rather than the front. Interesting fellow who is honest about things many others don't talk about.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

Thoughtful and insightful.

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