Jun 19Liked by Sari Botton

A marvelous interview … I love his rock climbing analogy of feeling “gripped.”

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Jun 19Liked by Sari Botton

What a wise and wonderful interview-- a realistic view of the toll aging takes but no diminishment of the still-wonderful joys of life that are yet to come. I too have nothing but empathy and respect for my fellow late-in-life travelers. As my 79 year old dad said before he died, "this aging thing is not for sissies."

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Sounds like you have a healthy attitude. I like the "gripping" analogy and will keep it in mind!

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A wonderful interview. I really enjoyed his honesty about aging. I believe it has been said, “with age comes wisdom”. I’m planning on looking up his paintings. I know I’m around the same age, and I have become a kinder, mellower version of myself. Thank you Bob and Sari.

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Such a wonderful interview, enjoyed it so much, thank you!

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Jun 20Liked by Sari Botton

What a chill groovy guy. Seems to be on really good terms with reality and what’s down the road too. Positive, present, and purposeful. Inspiring!

I enjoyed this enjoyable person! May he have many great parties to come.

This year my major B-day came and went because of more pressing issues, so I am finally getting my Mirthday rendezvous set up now. I can have a Mirthday several times a week, right?

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Jun 19Liked by Sari Botton

“I do pay more attention to the older folks around me now and how they’re handling their business. They’re looking back, as well — we recognize each other, fellow travelers. After a lifetime of trying to ignore the inevitability of aging, I have an awakening comprehension of what this takes and enormous empathy and respect for everybody getting on with it.”

This. Love it! Thank you. 🙏

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Jun 19Liked by Sari Botton

Bob, I am ~5 years ahead of you on this journey. I realized, through your comments, that this aging process is pretty much a standard we go through. My desire for aging is to stay in physical strength as long as the old body can take it. Don’t look forward to sitting in a wheelchair on some porch, somewhat cognizant, and drooling on myself. I have determined that staying active both physically and mentally is the key to long term happiness.

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This is a fabulous outlook on aging. As I navigate my 60’s I’ve worked hard to keep a healthy perspective and also stay realistic. He seems to manage this well!

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Another inspiring read. Thank you!

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Another great article @Sari Botton thank you . I love Bob Bechtol quote-

‘As I get older, I realize more and more how important it is to be engaged in some meaningful activity. Art-making can be something of a blessing and a curse at times, and I’ve had my struggles with that over the years, but these days it’s more like a blessing. I still make sense to myself in the studio.’

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Jun 19Liked by Sari Botton

Sari Botton. Does anyone ever say they feel old for their age? 😌

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Yes! Several “old souls” have.

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Gripped. There it is. Perfect analogy to what happens sometimes at night.

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Thanks for this! This is all very much on my mind these days 🙏

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