Funny, I somehow thought you were younger than me--we’re the same age.😂

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And I always thought you were younger than me.

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Wonderful and invigorating! I always think everyone is "at least ten years older than me," and I am 61. Mr. Maren has a delightful way of looking at and living life. This was a pleasure to read.

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"I refuse to fear the future. The kids are alright." -- I needed to hear this. Thanks.

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Nice interview.

In that early photo, his grandfather actually looks pretty good for 67.

He points out something really interesting, how our lives span others' lives who seemingly lived ages ago. John Tyler was born in 1790 and was President from 1841 to 1845, but his grandson Harrison Ruffin Tyler is still alive at 94. When I was a kid, we had a cleaning woman whose grandfather, who lived with her in Brooklyn, had been enslaved (in early childhood).

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It's some really good perspective!

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Mike, your thoughts and experiences resonate with me. Very articulate. Like you, I feel that I have this mindset of being in my mid-30s. Forever. And I’m 62. And like you, most of my peers are actually half my age or even younger. Perhaps we Boomers don’t hang out enough with each other.

All the best,


P.S. Miss Sirenland.

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Love this! That’s exactly how I feel right now at 41. “That entire year was a fulcrum, or the seam that stitched together two epic chapters in my life.”

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I love this and relate to this so much! And I'm excited about the new film. Especially the line, "I don't plan to retire."

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I love the interview and also your questionnaire. I often think about the age I imagine myself to be. Just like Michael it is 35. So glad I found you here on Substack

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Sari, thank you for the opportunity to think about and answer these questions.

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