Thank you Vincent, It's still kind of a taboo to be honest about the sacrifices we make when we have children, whether we stay at home or not. It seems like we don't love our kids enough, or we are so self centered that we want to earn money, or recognition for our efforts and accomplishments outside of parenting. Oldstering gives one pe…
Thank you Vincent, It's still kind of a taboo to be honest about the sacrifices we make when we have children, whether we stay at home or not. It seems like we don't love our kids enough, or we are so self centered that we want to earn money, or recognition for our efforts and accomplishments outside of parenting. Oldstering gives one permission to admit certain things. Ooooh a new verb....oldstering, Sari, did you catch that?
Thank you Vincent, It's still kind of a taboo to be honest about the sacrifices we make when we have children, whether we stay at home or not. It seems like we don't love our kids enough, or we are so self centered that we want to earn money, or recognition for our efforts and accomplishments outside of parenting. Oldstering gives one permission to admit certain things. Ooooh a new verb....oldstering, Sari, did you catch that?