son of a b*^#h, love this! thanks

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F*ck Yeah, Mich! Thanks so much!

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64.5! You are an inspirational youngster for me at 66! Surfing 🏄 is on my bucket list! More power to the freedom to cuss!

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Love this, you, her, aging, experience, daughters (and sons), my life at 66, looking back AND looking forward to more adventures 🌎

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So glad you enjoyed and related, Liz! xxx-Alice

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Loved this. As a so-much-older 65, I remember being in high school and thinking that people who freely cursed were so sophisticated. I vowed to learn, and so I stood in front of my bedroom mirror and practiced saying "what the hell" until it flowed freely from my lips. The first few times I stumbled, but then I became fluent, LOL. Still fluent today! ;-)

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I relate to so much of this. No sleep, foggy brain. At 70, I’m still working two days a week, mostly for social interaction. And every once in awhile I’ll blurt out an “oh fuck” on the sales floor. My “boss” will say WOW and his eyes will open wide. Then we’ll laugh.

Thanks so much Alice for putting into words what so many of us are experiencing.

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OMG! I so relate to Alice! Thanks, thanks and thanks! Now to go and find her books! :)

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Thanks Hope! I hope you find my books and LOVE them to bits! xxx-Alice

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Embracing the scattered brain❤️

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Right? What else is there for us to do? -Alice

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Ugh, the lack of sleeping is killing me. I’m 51 and have always been a sound sleeper, but now in peri menopause I’m awake for hours in the night. 😭

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Ugh. I feel your pain, Jen!

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I love this woman's perspective! Also, her sense of humor. Alice Kaltman, if you every pass through Asheville, let's have a cup of coffee.

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You're on Virginia! I hear great things about Asheville!!! xxx-Alice

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I love this so much. “Peace be with you” to the things you can’t remember hahaha!! I feel a similar way, but it’s awkward because I also have a small brain tumor, so when I brag about forgetting things I’m like “oh no, is everyone worried for me?” I am also extremely here for the shirtless man in a helmet behind Alice on the dance stage! Off to check out those novels, verrrry excited about this.

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Ah Kara! Yeah, that dude was a hottie. A young hottie. He used to also do freestanding handstands to 'warm up' for rehearsals, and hold them for, like five minutes! I hope you like my books! xxx-Alice

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Excellent!!! Thank you for sharing!

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Thanks for reading! xxx-Alice

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Cheers to the writers out here who aren’t well-read in the classics! 🙌🏻

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I count myself among them.

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Great issue! Thanks, Alice, for keeping the cursing alive– I'll never stop either! 👍

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Fuck yeah, Harper! xxx-Alice

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Alice sounds like my kind of woman!

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If you'll teach me how to play tennis I might fit all your needs, Rachel!

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Just wow. WOW!

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Jan 5, 2023
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Here's to strong words and hard women!!! xxx-Alice

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