Yes, a splendid read! I had a serious brain injury at 57, right in the middle of a later-in-life MFA program. I had to withdraw, of course. And work very hard on recovering enough to go back and finish the degree five years later. Your experience of the physical and emotional challenges of navigating life with a changed brain and chronic pain/illness, and the sort of miraculous self-love that has come to the fore—these so echo my own journey through brain injury and aging. We always think no one knows what this particular thing we’re coping with feels like but when you share your experience, echoes and resonances and points of connection appear. Thank you, Jane, for talking about your brain injury (and loving yourself!) and thank you, Sari, for this forum for sharing how we experience growing older.

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Thank you so much for your kind words, Rochelle. They mean a lot. And I'm sorry you've lived through your version of this. Yes, sharing our stories helps so much! ❤️

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Thank you Jane and Sari! Such a gorgeous mix of strength and vulnerability, fierceness and compassion. I hope I'm like Jane when I'm in my 60s ❤️

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Oooooh, thank you, Jillian! Your words have deeply touched my heart! ❤️

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So inspiring. Especially the later-in-life self love.

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Thank you! ❤️

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Well, this was a lovely thing to find in my inbox this morning. Jane and Sari!

Jane, I love your fearlessness in shining a light on your life, and having deep love and compassion for what you find. We have enough overlap in our stories that your generosity in sharing it with us helps me find some of the same. Thank you both.

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Ooooh, John, thank you! Your words have gone deep into my heart! Thank you so much! ❤️

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Something like magic just happened, because this is exactly what I needed to read this morning!

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Oh, nice!

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I'm so glad, Wini! I love when that happens! ❤️

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I love, love, love the affirmation of Jane Day- and the un-self conscious self love and expression to others. From one Jane to another, thank you for the inspiring words. Now I’m off to water my garden and simply enjoy the (and feel gratitude for) the pleasure of being me. Haven’t always allowed this into my life. Thanks for granting permission.

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Jane Day! I love it! Thank you for your kind words, Jane! ❤️

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"Age has given me so much more wisdom, self-love, clarity, humor, joy, compassion, silliness and a knack for not feeling guilty when I stand up for myself." Beautiful!

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Ooooh, thank you so much! ❤️

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Hooray!! It’s Jane day!!! I relate so much with that was said- especially the self love and pouring that love into others ❤️❤️

I also feel like I live two ages at once, chronologically I’m 45, but in my head I’m still in my 30s (occasionally dipping to my angsty teenage youth).

Also, I love big birthday parties, but rarely have had them because of my birthday being so close to Christmas. I wish I could come and celebrate your birthday with you, Jane!!

Thank you, Sari! So happy to see Jane here ❤️❤️

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Mesa! We're in all the same places! My birthday is close-ish to Christmas (early January) but my (now ex) husband used to throw me these enormous parties that absolutely overwhelmed (it could take me days to recover!) me even though I had a blast and I'd beg him not to do it again the next year. But he would. And then when we got divorced, I missed the parties so much, I started throwing them for myself! Haha. You pour love into everyone!! And we feel it!! ❤️

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Great minds and all that! Happy to inhabit these spaces with you, Jane!

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I love being introduced to Jane through her writing (and am subscribing to Beyond!)

Lip wrinkles and watching the squirrels!! Two extremes of being 62! I’m there as well. Never a smoker, and yet here are these things the lipstick seeps into…but the squirrels don’t seem to notice or care…Thanks for all the reminders, Jane, of the things that really matter! ❤️❤️❤️

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Ooooh, Etta, we sound like kindred spirits! Thank goodness for the squirrels! And thank you for subscribing to Beyond! ❤️

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Hi, Jane! I love you too, a bright spirit and splendid writer.

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Ooooh, thank you, Rona! Same to you! ❤️

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Jane, you are wonderful! I so enjoyed reading your interview. Thank you for sharing so openly and with such warmth, wisdom and humour. ♡ Two weeks from today, I will turn 40. My self-image is at an all-time low right now but I am so hopeful that it will be the first of many of the best years of my life. Especially to feel beautiful and sexy and confident... and to deeply love and like myself, like you do, Jane. x

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Oh, gosh, thank you, Sonia! I really appreciate your kind words! Happy Almost Birthday! For me, the change happened the day of my birthday. Magical dust was sprinkled on me or something, and that year was a blast! I hope you enjoy the same!! ❤️

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Jane, as always when I read you, I feel kinship. And I often want to share you with someone I love. As I’ve done with this interview.

I also wanted to say you were right on as far as your honesty in answering the questions. About to turn 48, I’ve had a sudden change in health status, a diagnosis of a rheumatologic autoimmune disease. As I’m navigating it, I’ve already been keenly aware of how it will be an interesting untangling as I move forward--to decide what's related to this disease, what's related to aging, what to push through, what to accept (everything, of course, in a way and different ways being the answer to both), and how to relate to the new and then new again and again versions of myself. So, thank you.

I loved, too, your wisdom on the growing of self-love and your fierce independence, likely a key part of the kinship I feel with you.

Thank you, Sari and Jane.

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Oh, Holly, I'm sorry to hear that you're facing health challenges! And, yes, it does all get tangled up together. We are kindred spirits! Sending much love to you on your journey! ❤️

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Thanks, Jane. I, of course, wish it wasn’t so. And I’m leaning into the acceptance, the realization that any new path, whether chosen or not, brings newness and that sifting through the heap of newness and finding the gems in it is always an option. Much love back your way! 💕

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Fabulous interview. Your self-love really shines through Jane, and is so inspiring. It feels almost taboo as a woman to say out loud 'I love myself', yet so fundamental to our emotional wellbeing. Thanks for being a guiding light here ❤

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Ooooh, thank you, Vicki! Your words mean so much! ❤️

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What a wonderful read! While I haven’t managed this to the degree I’d like, I aspire to this. “I don’t spin on things the way I used to. I don’t need twenty-seven opinions before making a decision. I don’t spend hours dissecting everything I said at a gathering. I don’t worry so much about how I compare to those around me. I don’t fret as much in general.” Thank you for spelling it out! I too have encountered tough chronic health issues - orthostatic hypotension (light headedness and fainting) and white matter disease which can impact cognition in the last couple of years at 61 now. I’m just beginning to figure out how to recoup a more active life. Your words are a balm. Hearing you are living your life with such passion despite your brain injury and the pressing financial worries inspires me! I too am expressing love to those close or just around — love dissolves most worries!

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I agree!

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Ooooh, Kate, thank you! Trust me, I struggle! Haha. But there's also a lot of good. Too bad we're not neighbors! It sounds like we have much in common. ❤️

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This was so warm and wonderful to read! The photos of Jane at so many ages shows how many lives and selves we have wrapped up in one.

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Thank you so much, Kelcey! And I think about that very thing often. It's wild, isn't it! ❤️

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I love this interview! So inspiring and I love that you believe in giving a generous amount of love to everyone and to animals. What a difference you must make to those lucky to know you!

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Ah, thank you, Autumn! I do my best! Probably more successfully some days than others! ❤️

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