I don’t know if I’ve ever seen myself more accurately in an interview here. From the dyeing of the hair to the not tucking of the things to our moms as our icons. Thank you for the honesty Kim! I’m a little behind you in the journey, but I’m definitely in your wake.

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Mar 7Liked by Sari Botton

you write with a such clarity, honesty and humor. And what a very good writer are. Ok, So I am her mother ,but she really is a good writer.

Thank you for crediting me as an" older person" that you admire. That was said and received with much love, MOM

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Mar 6Liked by Sari Botton

I am so appreciative of all the people on substack (and in my life) who are willing to share their aging journeys. Someday, somehow, we'll get it all figured out.

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Mar 6·edited Mar 6Liked by Sari Botton

Thank you Kim France for naming one of the weird parts of ageing out of step with our childed peers - not always feeling grown up… It doesn’t help being told by the culture all the time that as women without kids, we’re not ‘proper’ women anyway…

There is such an identity lacuna around being a nomo (not-mother) in our culture… being defined by what we are NOT. And yet there is also an incredible freedom in being able to shape who we ARE because of that too.

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Another great interview! I especially love what France shares about her changing body and adapting to new ways of being and dressing as a result. Oldster keeps me going each week. Please keep it up!

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Mar 6Liked by Sari Botton




When I was a weirdo punk rock dropout girl trying to write my first big glossy feature *ever*, my editor at NY Mag had the wisdom to pair me up with Kim to do the line editing and revision. She never condescended to me, or exoticized me, and was a thoughtful, shrewd editor plus the perfect girl to talk about nail polish with (those were the Chanel VAMP and Hard Candy years). She took the anxiety right out of mainstream freelancing for me, and I rode that gale of confidence like the sustaining wave it was.


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Agreed - this one was epic, I so enjoy Kim’s podcast and Lucky mag was my Gen X wanna be fashionista living in NYC bible!

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Loved this interview. What a life. And weirdly I appreciate a woman saying she plans to continue dying her hair. I feel there’s a lot of pressure to go grey these days and I appreciate the representation if that’s not the path you want to go down.

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Thank you for this series. I really appreciate the candor in this interview about being 60. A kindred spirit in chronology and life experience. I was born in June 1963, the baby of the baby boomers, the baby of my family, and came of age as the expectations and outlook of the Boomers started to shift into Gen X. I’ve always felt that shift.

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Yes! I so agree, 50 has been the age of accepting my life path and letting go of the life I don't have too. Looking forward to what's ahead and so inspired to see so many women writing about aging without children here on Substack ❤️

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The death of a spouse can mean the functional death of the surviving spouse too. It is so wise of your mother to figure out how to keep on living and thriving in new ways. It can make all the difference! You have a great model in her about how to live long and prosper (whoops a little Star Trek crept in there!).

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I talked myself onto the staff of my first magazine with "You don't understand how much I love magazines!" Sassy and Lucky were amazing -- the only reason I would go back to my 20s and 30s would be to enjoy all the smart writing and publishing available right there on the newsstand from Kim France and other Xers.

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Mar 6Liked by Sari Botton

60 is just a few months away for myself.. Kim's interview really spoke to me. Fun in my 20's and 30's but wouldn't want to go back there! Thanks for your vulnerability and honesty!

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BIG FAN of Kim France. Love her answers here. Once again… these questionnaires are truly the gift that keeps on giving! Thank you for this.

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Mar 6Liked by Sari Botton

So good! Kim’s snappy answers always give me a lift: “Menopause has not been my idea of fun.” Amen.

And the pictures! The one on the beach is excellent. As is the BW portrait of a young woman. And the casual wedding party picture of Kim and Paul shows all the satisfaction of having arrived.

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"Around 50 I accepted the course my life has taken, and stopped mourning the life I didn’t get, and things that didn’t happen for me." I think I might be there too but I keep buying scratch off tickets just in case...

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