"You'll never see me retire." Amen to that!

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I admire his attitude and love the line about stepping into the legacy years with unbridled freedom and grace. For me, part of that unbridled freedom is to eat as many delicious meals as possible.

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I love everything about this! one meal a day and ice cold showers! My father is 79 and holding and after a bout with illness has admitted to himself and us that he won't ever retire, and continues to work amongst friends and we better just accept it. I'm like "go for it daddy!"

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“...unbridled freedom and grace.” I love the freedom - to say no without guilt, to deny those tentacles belonging to those who will pull me backwards, to live a life designed by me. There’s GRACE in freedom. All the best to Diamond (Michael) Scott as he steps into his “legacy years.” GO BUCKEYEs!

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Diamond Michael Scott is once again the picture of grace and peace. So zen. I cannot imagine stress emanating from this man. Brilliant!

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Yup. I’m very nomadic. And I find that it’s hard for stress to hit a moving target. 😂

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I need to learn to be ok with more uncertainty but that's a huge struggle for me.

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I am almost too comfortable with paradox and uncertainty. This can be frighteningly problematic at times, particularly when it turns into denial.

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I suppose, as with everything, a balance is best, but also the hardest to achieve. I find my husband and I offset each other here. If anything, the last few years with Covid and other big "events" have taught me that my idea that I can achieve stability is silly and a bit entitled.

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I love his positive attitude. At 60 I believe had a similar one. Hang on to it as long as you can. At 61, my 56 year old wife suffered a collapsing spine( multiple back cervical fractures) due to severe osteoporosis. She lost five inches in height in six months. Her doctor told her she would be in a wheel chair in ten years. She fired him. She has persevered and walks at least a mile a day. She struggles with back pain, but not as bad as one might think. Part of growing old. I have more stories. I’m 72. Too numerous to tell!!

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Okay, I need to read his blockchain stuff because it’s still a mystery to me. Less so than the ice-cold showers (which I did one year but couldn’t make myself do again).

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Totally mystified by it myself...

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Maybe I’m just sick of cooking, but I really focused in on the idea of one meal a day!

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It’s a HUGE money saver. Moreover, I find that the less I eat, the less hungry I am.

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Now THAT is amazing and cool.

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Thank you! <3

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What a range of attitudes and priorities these interviews reveal. I wouldn’t want his cold-shower, one-meal, few-friends life. But I love the intention and pride he brings to it.

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Glad you're enjoying these, Rona. Yes, I like to show a range of perspectives!

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So simple, yet so hard: “I feel like it's given me the freedom to say what I wanna say, when I wanna say it. Frankly, I couldn’t care less about what other people think about me anymore.” I hear so many people admit this perk to aging. I’m headed in this direction, but not there yet. I look forward to embracing this wisdom wholeheartedly. Thanks for the reminder and HBD!

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Yes, it's been encouraging for me to see so many respondents say this. Reminds me to care less about what naysayers and other grumbly types have to say.

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I always like to add that you don’t have to wait till you’re over 50 for that!

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Good point!

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Delightful! Thanks for this interview!

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I really enjoyed reading this, his energy and enthusiasm for life comes through. Also, as a fellow Ohio State graduate who still lives in Columbus, I have to say Go Bucks!

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Love that you enjoy 'pristine health,' Diamond, and I agree--I have the same suspicion about retirement. May we always be creating and contributing, even if at a more leisurely pace.

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I really appreciated the sentiment about caring less about what other people think. That is definitely something I feel as I grow older-flinging off the expectations and the straitjacket of conformity. And what a lovely thing to enjoy a steak on your own on your birthday.

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"Difficult is nothing more than a fleeting mindset and a potential growth opportunity. I am who I am." Shazam, and amen! Think I'm gonna put this one on my bulletin board. Thank you, Diamond!

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