"I’m less interested in self-harm." My light bulb turned on when I read this sentence.

Great interview.

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I adore Elisa's work and this was such a joy to read :)

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So glad! 💕

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Sari Botton

Yes. Studying and learning are so important to staying fresh. I'm about to start Torah study with a local rabbi and I've returned to my flute after 25 years of not playing.

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As far as I understand, in some Jewish communities men weren't allowed to go to rabbinical school until *after* they'd raised a family, worked a regular job, and been through some shit. How are you going to adequately offer pastoral care to a community if you haven't yet lived much of a life?

I have no idea if this is true, but I've always liked the idea.

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