About seven years ago I was pursued by a beautiful 31-year-old woman. I was flattered and it felt great, but the reality of that incongruous relationship was glaring. Two years later I met a wonderful woman one year and six days younger than me. My life is more full than I ever imagined it could be!
I forgot about dating! After my final marriage, a younger man wanted to date me so I thought I would give it a try. No, just no.
Forgot about marriage, too. That’s another thing I have given up. ;-)
haaaa meeee too lol
About seven years ago I was pursued by a beautiful 31-year-old woman. I was flattered and it felt great, but the reality of that incongruous relationship was glaring. Two years later I met a wonderful woman one year and six days younger than me. My life is more full than I ever imagined it could be!