what you described not being able to do in your 50s is exactly what i discovered i had no tolerance for at 22! 😂 things i used to do but won't anymore: ask my friends to help me move (hiring movers isn't cheap, but it's cheaper than 6 months of physical therapy for a bad back!), hiit workouts (yea, that "edge" = good boundaries), bend o…
what you described not being able to do in your 50s is exactly what i discovered i had no tolerance for at 22! 😂 things i used to do but won't anymore: ask my friends to help me move (hiring movers isn't cheap, but it's cheaper than 6 months of physical therapy for a bad back!), hiit workouts (yea, that "edge" = good boundaries), bend over backwards to make a good impression on folks who don't deserve it, suffer fools...
what you described not being able to do in your 50s is exactly what i discovered i had no tolerance for at 22! 😂 things i used to do but won't anymore: ask my friends to help me move (hiring movers isn't cheap, but it's cheaper than 6 months of physical therapy for a bad back!), hiit workouts (yea, that "edge" = good boundaries), bend over backwards to make a good impression on folks who don't deserve it, suffer fools...
I wish I had learned younger to stop trying to make a good impression! I'm starting to learn it now in my 50s and paying the price.