Mar 14, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Julia Lee Barclay-Morton

What if we’d all had a Jani? What a different world this would be.

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Julia Lee Barclay-Morton

What a dance of an essay, a pas-de-deux between you and Jani. The overall effect is so vibrant and multi-layered, for such a short piece, I feel like I know both you and her. You sound amazing, and Jani sounds amazing! I will absolutely buy this book when it get published.

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thank you! Am seeking publisher and/or agent now...so if you have any ideas on that, send 'em my way!

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Julia Lee Barclay-Morton

Grand damn!

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Mar 31Liked by Sari Botton, Julia Lee Barclay-Morton

What a great tribute to your Grandmother Julia. I love your even-handed acknowledgement of her flaws alongside her amazing leadership. The re-training and starting again anew in Teaching is gutsy. Bringing about a law change is an incredible achievement, given the inertia in almost every governmental institution. Thanks for this article, along with the other ones.👏🏼

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Thank you!

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Mar 19, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Julia Lee Barclay-Morton

Please, please tell me Jani’s writings will be published somewhere. Can I just pay $39.99 to read everything whether it’s published or not? Not even kidding. What a reminder to write, even if you’re not being published. I’m glad she wrote down what she experienced and what she knew.

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I have written a book about both my grandmothers with a lot of Jani's writing in it. I had a small publisher but COVID did them in and now seeking a publisher again. If you have any ideas please let me know. I think Jani's voice and writing is incredibly important.

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Mar 15, 2022Liked by Julia Lee Barclay-Morton

I love this piece. All the more affecting for being rigorously unsentimental. And I feel I understand you a bit better.

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Thank you!

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by Julia Lee Barclay-Morton

Love the pivot in "...her soul entered my body..." This is a remarkable essay.

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Thank so very much.

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by Julia Lee Barclay-Morton

I am slightly older than the author. I was 24 in 1979. I am enormously grateful that it is pointed out in the piece that even though the womens’ movement was afoot, a woman at that time had no value whatsoever unless she was attached to a man. I was so proud to have gotten married a few months shy of my 30th birthday - just under the wire. Jani was an admirable woman - a real trailblazer. However, as someone whose husband cheated on me secretly for decades, I do view Jani’s involvement with married men as brutal. It is amazing the author mentioned this - a lot of credit for the honesty and non white washing portrait of Jani. Great article.

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Thank you! I have been writing about Jani and my polar opposite grandmother for a while and am committed to total honesty. It's the only way. Thank you for acknowledging that.

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Julia Lee Barclay-Morton

Fantastic. I really really hope there's more.

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Oh there is! Looking for an agent and or publisher for the manuscript now.

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Excellent news. I daresay there's a two-character play/movie in there, too.

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Sure! And if in meantime you have any thoughts about publishers and/or agents, please tell me!

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Julia Lee Barclay-Morton

Such a beautiful and honest portrayal of a dear and true pioneer.

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Thank you!

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by Sari Botton, Julia Lee Barclay-Morton

I love this.

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Me, too!

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Thank you!

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Your grandmother is still an inspiration. Thank you.

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I agree! Thank you!

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Mar 15, 2022Liked by Julia Lee Barclay-Morton

I loved this essay. Coming from a difficult mother/daughter relationship, who abhored sexuality. "Don't be a whore."

"Stay pure and don't trust men."

"You don't touch yourself."

"Good women resist."

I had no sexual guidance whatsoever. I wish I had a Jani in my life.

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thank you! She was something. I can't say I precisely got sexual guidance from her, but what I did Not get was sexual hypocrisy, and given what most girls endured, as you did, that was a gift.

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by Julia Lee Barclay-Morton

Enjoyed this essay. I do hope we will be able to read Jani’s essay in full some day!

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I have written a memoir in her and my polar opposite grandmother's voices, including much of her unpublished writing. Looking for publisher and/or agent. If have any ideas, definitely tell me! I want MORE of Jani out in the world for sure!

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Mar 14, 2022Liked by Julia Lee Barclay-Morton

I love this. I love her. Thank you!

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Thank you! I love her too!

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deletedMar 16, 2022Liked by Julia Lee Barclay-Morton
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Thank you so much!

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