>>My father’s identity was tied to his intellect. A life without reasoning would be a life not worth living. Dad would rather be dead. We all agreed.

I think this is the hardest decision we (executors and powers of attorney holders) have to make. Even when it's spelled out in a living will or advanced directive of some kind, being asked to decide to withhold treatment and to "let" someone die is unbearable. Even if you know it's right. Even if all family members agree. I think anyone who's been in this situation will join me in offering Margaret Lee their deepest sympathy.

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This is so compelling! Ordering the book now!

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I love it when Oldster pieces lead to book purchases!

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Me too!

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Me too!

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This struck a chord having experienced something similar with a dying father and having the power of attorney. Ordering the book also!

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Wow. So clear and compelling.

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Such an impactful, compelling story.

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Glad you enjoyed it, David.

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I had to make a similar decision for my husband. My daughter and I agreed about what was best for him. It shatters one’s heart to do it, even knowing it’s the kindest, loving decision.

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Beautiful. 25 years is right on time to me ✨

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Ooof, this drew me in deep and I want to read the book now!

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So touching. So very well written.

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