Thank you so much, everyone, for reading and for your heartful comments. I appreciate each and every one. Sharing this piece again has brought much tenderness and gratitude to my day. May you all feel held and seen in your love and grief. xoxo

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All my elderly relatives are currently dying, and so far, each has gone through something similar to Popo. It makes me sad that such full lives come down to the same hospital beds and loss of everything that once mattered so much. For some reason, the description of Popo's stylish closet, with its faux fur vest and cashmere cardigans, and her dresser top with its lipsticks and perfumes, was especially poignant.

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Oh my goodness. Beautiful. Just beautiful!

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Beautiful and haunting.

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Brought tears into my eyes in a doctors waiting room. My God, it's beautifully written. You have written your grandmothers eulogy, you know.

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Thank you for this beautiful essay. You capture the sadness and pain of the Chinese American diaspora with such tenderness and compassion.

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I am not mixed-race, but I breathe, think, and feel in two cultures. I am at an age when one by one, the elders in my extended family are departing this world. I was listening to Anderson Cooper's "All there is" podcast last week while I was sorting through some of my mom's belongings, then came this essay. I am beyond moved and inspired! Thank you!

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A lovely piece, Anne. IT bought back a lot of memories for me. Thank you.

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This brought back memories of my own grandmother in her last years quite vividly, as well as all the feelings involved in watching the decline of someone who was so pivotal in my young childhood. She's been gone for twenty years now and I still miss her all the time. Thanks for bringing her back to me today. Sending love to you and Popo.

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I loved this piece, particularly the part about singing into your grief. I'm a trained singer and I've often been grateful for the ability to vocalize emotions, and often wished that it was a much bigger part of life for everyone. Much love to you, your Popo and your family :)

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This is beautifully written and so very touching. Thank you.

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Beautiful and heart rending. Blessings to you and yours.

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what a gorgeous remembrance - what a beautiful way to start my day as the sun sets on this writer's grandmother. Blessings to her and to her family and this publication for sharing such deep, comforting, powerful writing. Thank you.

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Thank-you. It was six years ago yesterday that my mom passed away. I have a similar photo collection to yours, visiting and holding hands.

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3 words - such beautiful story

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