What?!?! I feel like I just entered a parallel universe. I had no idea any of this existed! Stunning!

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Utterly beautiful! Totally earthshaking! The touch, the reach, the joining of spirit!

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I loved this story. I too am attracted to abandoned buildings, though in NYC it was mostly hospitals, movie theaters and schools. My favorite was PS 186 on 145th between Broadway and Amsterdam. I went to 1st grade there in 1969 and it closed down a few years later. It was abandoned for over 40 years. I never went inside, but often stood in front just staring at the decay and the trees that grew out of the windows. I even set a few short stories there. The building is a condo now, but I imagine they're quite haunted. https://abandonednyc.com/2012/07/08/inside-harlems-p-s-186/

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