you know those days when you stay in bed a bit longer , and then think, "oh, I might need to tweak my schedule?" Todays was such a day, And to get to my writing , I wasn't't going to read anything, but as G-D, and my muses would have, I fell upon your piece and was compelled to take the pause.

And pause I did, while reading it, to wipe the tears, as well as enjoy the chuckles. I see so much of myself in Jean Marie. She lived her life, on her own terms, and has left some phenomenal art work to be shared. Mental Illness is such a wide open category. While labels help understand, they needn't define. What I find interesting is that often the alleged "normal" people, the ones who either made fun of, or excluded those who learned differently, or had a mental illness, then became the same people, who minimized those labels , saying, "don't we all have some mental illness" I remember when someone looked at me and said "we all have some sort of dyslexia" HA!

I suppose they were trying to be compassionate... who knows. What I do know is that I am so grateful to you for sharing this story, her story. It's a tribute not only to her, but to all those who pass on silently. May she rest in peace. And may her spirit her wild and artisitc spirit find home in others.

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Thank you for honoring Jean! ❤️❤️❤️ I’m glad I got to learn about her today.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

I agree. I think a lot of us have relatives or know our friends' relatives a bit like Jean, only most of them don't create art that good.

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COVERED in goose bumps. I love this in memoriam AND Jean's artwork! Beautiful, and makes me curious what could have come from working with doctors. But also, just, so affirming, like: life is so complete, even in all its difficulties and things that drive us crazy. Thank you Sari <3

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What a talent , what a story. I too knew a brilliant creative soul, a widely published writer, who did not seek treatment for what was probably a treatable cancer because of her mental illness. Being her friend was so hard that in the end I let her go. Reading Jean’s story revived my affection for her.

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Feb 12, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

What a lovely tribute to a family member we all seem to have, but never give enough time or thought to. Your words brought tears and joy and quiet repose for the wonderful life of Jean. I’m glad to have met her through your story.

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Love this beautiful, honest tribute of what sounds like a complicated person and gifted artist. I've known many people like that in my upbringing and community, and most were "outsider" artists simply because they wouldn't or couldn't play the art world's vicious game. I don't think it's noble for gifted artists to toil away and die in obscurity (although that's how most are received by society!) but I do think there can be ferocious beauty and true enlightenment for those who work over on the margins, with no allegiance to anything but their own creative instincts. Culture is not just what is immediately visible in the marketplace, but also what is off on the horizon, radiating its own light and weather. This piece reminds me to check in with some friends who are out there right now!

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This is a beautiful tribute. Her art is wonderful.

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Thank you for sharing her. This is beautiful.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

What a beautiful tribute to your sister-in-law and to her art. From what you write of her I think she would have LOVED it. and the photo of your husband holding her hand I love that she is wearing a little bracelet. I think I would never be wearing a bracelet while sick or dying and it struck me so very beautiful. Thank you so much.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

Beautiful tribute, Sari.

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Thank you, Geeta. ❤️

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

ShaMama ... Miss her more and more as time clicks on

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Sari Botton

My condolences.

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This is beautiful

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What a loving and straightforward tribute.

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A beautiful tribute.

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What a wonderful tribute to Jean and to the beauty and complexity of being human.

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