Congratulations! It’s an amazing milestone to cross! 🙌

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Thank you!

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Congratulations Sari! Always look forward reading Oldster. Your work is a gift to us all!

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Awww, thank you, John + Patti! <3

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Hi Sari,

You have done something right to get so many readers so fast! I began "The Halleson Post" on Substack a couple of years ago about issues of aging, but I guess my posts were too stark for the average reader, because growth was very slow. I am 87 years old now and transitioning to issues about saving the planet. If we don't do that, we won't have a home in which to grow old! Best wishes to you going forward.

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Wow!!! I am so impressed! You did something very right! I began writing about aging a couple of years ago when I was age 85. Now I'm 87 and still writing, but I'm transitioning to "How to Save the Planet." I guess my "aging" blogs were too stark for the average reader. Or I was just too old to be credible? I feel that if we don't save the planet, there won't be a home on which we CAN grow old. So check in to The Halleson Post when you have a minute. (I just had a thought... you may think you're old, but I am old enough to be your mother.)

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Hurrah Oldster and Sari! My fav cool kids!😎🎂👏💖

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You rule, Sari! Congrats on everything! xo

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Congratulations. I'm fairly new to Substack, but love Oldster already. I'm still deciding who to pay for but Oldster is definitely making it onto the list. I love the way it's not 'this' or 'that' about ageing, but about the people who are living it in their own way. I'd love to see a few more Oldsters from the UK take the interview questions, but I'm a big fan as it is. Thank you for your work.

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Thanks, June!

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I'm 54, a long-distance runner for 30 years trying to show that we can still race strong and excel at ultras after 50. I write about midlife transition and often spotlight older runners on my newsletter. I'm grateful to have discovered Oldster!

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Congrats!! Great to see Oldster growing and getting well-deserved recognition!

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Thank you!!!

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Oldster is probably one of the best sites I have visited on Substack. It's always smart, moving, sad, funny, or illuminating--often all at the same time. It's inclusive concept of aging is refreshing and necessary. But, more important, the writing itself is always exceptional. So much memoir and recovery stories are psychic bloodletting without concern for the reader. Never do I see this in Oldster.

I haven't had much time lately to read many sites but I plan to focus more on Oldster and even to become a paid subscriber. As a Substack writer, like everyone else, I often bemoan the lack of paid subscribers, but then I think: "How can you expect people to subscribe to 10 good sites?" That would not only be expensive, but one would have to have more free time than your local deity to read all of the good essays and poetry and fiction on Substack. But Oldster is worth the price.

My only complaint is that Oldster is so good, so well conceived, that once you enter it you don't want to leave and read other Substack sites. Also, maybe it's just me, but I would like to see more pieces from old guys, especially humorous ones, which was the reason I began my Substack in the first place.

So I hope Oldster continues to thrive and your audience continues to grow..

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Thanks for these kind words, Peter!! There will definitely be more guys...but I'm also trying to level the playing field a little after a lifetime of men having the mic. So glad you are enjoying Oldster so much. I appreciate your telling me.

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Yes, we white guys have no reason to whine. We've been running the show since the beginning of civilization and have done a very lousy job of it. The cause? A combination of lust for power, sex, and money. But maybe, just maybe, there is still hope for us, and if not, a rereading of Aristophanes' play Lysistrata may be in order.

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Just signed up and look forward to reading what you publish.

I'm 61 and often write posts on my substack about how my perspectives on life shift as I become older. Sometimes, I'm inspired by re-reading a book and sometimes by an important life event.

Here's an example based on my son's wedding a few months ago.


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Thanks for subscribing, David!

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Great. I’m thrilled to have found you!

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Congratulations Sari! Looking forward to the coming year and all the stories you’ll share with us.

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Thank you,Stella!

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Mazel tov!! Are there any oldster t-shirts for sale? I’d love to rep some Oldster merch.

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Thank you!!! Yes, in the Esty shop! https://www.etsy.com/shop/OldsterMagazineMerch

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Thank you

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Happy birthday, Oldster! Congrats, Sari!

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Thanks for all your support, Jen! 💕

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