But Wait—There's More...
Some additional links, to take you through the weekend.
I tend to read, watch, and listen to a lot of Oldster-adjacent content. Every other Friday I’ll pass some of it along to you in a link roundup like this one.
***This Wednesday, I accidentally sent out a link roundup meant for today. But I have some more links (I always have more than email data limits allow anyway), so I’m sharing them.
While I have you…The advertiser-funded and venture-capital-funded approaches to media have failed, and led to the demise of most legacy outlets. Fortunately, the reader-supported approach is working. Support with your dollars the publications you’d like to see survive. Your paid subscriptions help me to keep publishing Oldster Magazine, and to pay contributors. They are greatly appreciated! Thank you!
- at The Globe and Mail. He kindly mentions Oldster and quotes yours truly:
“Why Gen X Women Are Having the Best Sex” - Mireille Silcoff in The New York Times magazine.
I want to get ahold of Shattered, 70-year-ld
’s memoir about rebuilding his life after a fall in his late 60s left him unable to walk.“I have a proposal: bring olders and youngers together to talk about age and power. I've dubbed this initiative YODA, for Youngers + Olders Dismantling Ageism.” - I love this idea from writer and O.G. anti-ageism activist
in Next Avenue.“This is our new normal—uncertainty all the time, at every moment, in all places.” - at Time, Economic Hardship Reporting Project director Alissa Quart writes, “How Insecurity Became the New Inequality.”
“After years of being barred from a segregated military, she became the first Black nurse in the regular U.S. armed forces.” - In The New York Times, Clay Risen writes the obituary for Nancy Leftenant-Colon, the first African American in U.S. Army Nurse Corps and former Tuskegee Airman, who recently died at 104.
“Beatrice Stieber, 102, shares her secrets for a long life.” - CBS Mornings (h/t Sara Bader)
There are still a few spots open for the Southern Vermont Writers’ Conference, where I’ll be leading a workshop and giving a craft talk.
That’s a lot of links in one week. (And a lot of emails. I promise I won’t be sending out as many in future weeks!) It’s been a hell of a time, and hey, we all need ways to disassociate between doses of terrifying/batshit news, and speaking up about it. Happy to help with that...
Thanks for reading, and for all your support. 🙏 💝
I bet I am not the only one who simply deleted the accidental email on Wednesday. I was not going to ruin my Friday morning fun by reading the newsletter prematurely.
I am an oldster who knows how to delay gratification. There's coffee and everything.
Did you see Jon Stewart's take on the DEI and hiring? SOOOOO true. I just watched it and I recommend it to everyone. That's a weekend treat.