If there was a more compelling condemnation of religion, I haven’t read it. Congratulations on finally getting married.

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Exactly. How many happier lives would there be without religion, and religious tribal identity? And that seems to apply to all of them equally.

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this ✅

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"Happily ever after" really is a thing. I married my first love (and a first marriage for me) at 62. We hadn't seen or kept in touch with each other since we were 17.

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Very sweet.

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Awwwwww! That’s really delightful.

Wishing you all the joy that was delayed.

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I've had that and so much more that I never imagined could happen in a relationship. Thank you for your thoughts.

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Mazel tov! What a great story. I loved reading the novel but haven’t warmed up to the series; maybe you’ve inspired me to try again. I did not feel the need to marry my love of 10 years: we knew we weren’t going to have children and were both atheists. But… we did have a small lovely wedding and I truly felt a difference, a deepening, after marriage. Hard to explain. Next April we’ll be celebrating our 50th anniversary! I hope you two have a wonderful wedding and many more years of life together.

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Wonderful. Sometimes all the other shit has to happen to make us ready. I'm a big believer in things happen when they happen and everything before that is a lesson we needed to learn first. Totally thrilled for you.

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OMG, who could not fall in love with this love story? It has some elements in common with mine (I married my second husband/soulmate when both of us were 50 — after having been friends with terrible timing for 30+ years) — and I have somehow never seen "One Day" but now I'm making it a date to screen with him.

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What a sweet story.

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I'm so glad you finally got together! I loved reading you're story.

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You will absolutely " jump all the hurdles together". It only gets better!

I speak from experience. My late husband and I had a long distance relationship (USA and South Africa) for 22 years before we married and I moved there.

Like you we had reasons we didn't sooner but it was the best thing we ever did.


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Congratulations! What a happy moment to finish this prolonged painful break. I lived through the same troubles when Jewish parents of my husband refused to accept our love and our marriage until their granddaughter was born.

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"possessed mad tech skills" I'da married him if you didn't : )

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What a sweet story and I’m excited for you both! I hope to see a pic from your “I Do” celebration! I’m reminded of a favorite Irish folk singer, Mary Black, singing “I couldn’t change it; I never arranged it. That’s what the strange bit’s always been. Strange thing, this old love business, strange thing, love…”

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What a great story! I’m so glad your paths led back to each other. ♥️

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A wonderful love story. They come in all versions, sizes, and shapes.

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What a beautiful lifelong live story. Love endured thru the years, and while others came and went, your friendship if the heart held you both in close che k with each other. Congrats on your Vows and Ceremony.

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True love withstands all barriers.

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Lovely, just lovely. Now I wanna hear more about your platonic soulmate!!!

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So sad that religion can be a wedge that thwarts true love. "All's well that ends well"! ❤️‍🔥

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