My soul is weary of the needless, senseless, and unprovoked murders of children and adults. When are we going to really do something about this insanity? The governor of Texas is blaming the horror on mental illness and certainly that is part of it - but also isn't the ease with which an 18 year-old can buy an AR-rifle?
My soul is weary of the needless, senseless, and unprovoked murders of children and adults. When are we going to really do something about this insanity? The governor of Texas is blaming the horror on mental illness and certainly that is part of it - but also isn't the ease with which an 18 year-old can buy an AR-rifle?
My soul is weary of the needless, senseless, and unprovoked murders of children and adults. When are we going to really do something about this insanity? The governor of Texas is blaming the horror on mental illness and certainly that is part of it - but also isn't the ease with which an 18 year-old can buy an AR-rifle?