I tend to read, watch, and listen to an awful lot of Oldsterish content. Now and then I’ll pass some of it along to you in a link roundup like this one.
RIP Queen Elizabeth. (Is the term “good monarch” a complete oxymoron?) Constance Grady offers a Vox explainer on her reign.
Novelist and Books Are Magic owner Emma Straub eulogizes her much beloved father, horror writer Peter Straub.
“I’m getting older, and I’ve taught myself how to get these sentences down, how to know when they’re worth getting down,” said Strout, 66. “It’s like I’ve been training for a marathon my entire life and now there’s an acceleration happening.” - at the New York Times, Elisabeth Egan profiles author Elizabeth Strout, whose latest novel, Lucy By the Sea, arrives September 20th.
Midlife on the beach. From The Long Middle by Lisa Renee.
A friend posted to social media “Back In My Day,” a song by a duo called The Handsome Family, and I found it charmingly, relatably nostalgic.
“You walk into a room, but can’t remember what you came in for. Or you bump into an old acquaintance at work, and forget their name. Most of us have had momentary memory lapses like this, but in middle age they can start to feel more ominous.” - at The Guardian, Gaby Hinsliff interviews neuroscientist Dr Richard Restak, author of The Complete Guide to Memory: The Science of Strengthening Your Mind about strategies for lowering your risks of memory loss and Alzheimer’s.
Sounds like maybe exercise is another the key to keeping dementia at bay, as Rachel Fairbanks reports in the New York Times.
Nonagenarian artist Alex Katz keeps going. Per Amanda Fortini in the New York Times Magazine, at 95, he’s planning a retrospective.
“Take a look at Fortune 500 female CEOs and you’ll be hard-pressed to find a gray hair.” - at Washington Post Opinion, Ruth Marcus takes on gendered corporate double standards for older employees when it comes to hair color.
The Surefire Signs You’re Getting Older, According to Twitter, via Molly Bradley at Digg.
How have I never before heard of American Jewess, a magazine published from 1895-1899?
Old Bitches of Instagram had a little fun with Barbie’s 85th birthday.
Relevant to my interests: What you need to know about aging as a childless adult. via Kyle Raymond Fitzpatrick at Rewire.
Who’s going to join me in phone- and text-banking on Sundays for the next couple of months, to encourage voters to get out there so we can eliminate the obstruction in congress during November’s mid-term elections? via Mobilize.